Private Client

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Private Client

  • Facts Critical in Residence Claim

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    HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) are quick to recognise easy pickings when transactions occur and the conditions for relief against the relevant taxes are not met. One of HMRC’s...

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  • Even if the Government does take action to end the ancient law of adverse possession (‘squatters’ rights’), cases based on the law before any change will continue to come before...

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  • Recent reports showing an increase in fraud, and newspaper headlines regarding the conviction of a banker and financial adviser after more than £1.4 million was stolen from the investment accounts...

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  • How Planning Law Works

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    Planning in England and Wales is governed by various Planning Acts and other legal rules. The rules can be quite complex and vary according to locality. Planning restrictions are more...

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  • Nuisance Depends on Circumstances

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    The Court of Appeal recently decided on a claim for nuisance and its decision contained some interesting logic: in essence, implying that what would be classed as a nuisance in...

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  • How do you prove that you are married when a valid marriage certificate is not available? This question may not often arise, but it does sometimes happen that a...

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