Private Client
Boundary disputes can take a long time to resolve and can be ruinously expensive, as a recent case illustrates. It involved a teacher who put up a fence along...
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The English courts are enduringly popular with litigants, who often go to great lengths to have their cases heard in this country. The reason for this is that English law...
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In recent years, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) have created a series of very generous ‘disclosure windows’ to allow people who have undisclosed assets in tax havens to reveal their...
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In general, employers can be held ‘vicariously liable’ for the actions of their employees, in the course of their employment, where these cause damage to other people. A recent...
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Just because a document is not properly executed does not mean that all rights are necessarily lost, as a recent case in the Supreme Court illustrates. It involved a...
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The much publicised case in which the Court of Protection ruled that clinically assisted nutrition and hydration (CANH) could lawfully be withdrawn from a patient with multiple sclerosis who was...
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