Lending money to the public is, for obvious reasons, a heavily regulated activity and, as a case concerning timeshare properties showed, any involvement by those who are not authorised to...
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Care orders for children that result in them being taken away from their parents are not made lightly. When a 14-year-old girl was assessed as having ‘a range of complex...
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Care orders for children that result in them being taken away from their parents are not made lightly. When a 14-year-old girl was assessed as having ‘a range of complex...
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We all make mistakes…and when a contract is set up the terms of which clearly do not reflect what was intended, the court can be asked to rectify it. A...
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We all make mistakes…and when a contract is set up the terms of which clearly do not reflect what was intended, the court can be asked to rectify it. A...
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In a unanimous judgment, the Supreme Court has ruled that a bakery in Northern Ireland’s refusal to make a cake bearing a slogan in support of same-sex marriage was not...
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