If you have paid good money for goods or services and feel that you have not got what you bargained for, you should see a solicitor without delay. A case...
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The severe disruption to the legal process wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted judges to take a practical approach and, in some cases, to waive strict compliance with procedural...
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Social media posts fired off in anger can have grave legal consequences even if they are swiftly taken down. In an extreme case on point, a man who revealed his...
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If you are an entrepreneur and own your own company, that is all the more reason why you should take professional advice regarding the consequences that might arise on your...
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The COVID-19 pandemic represents a public emergency which is threatening the life of the nation. A High Court judge wrote those words in reaching the momentous conclusion that, whilst the...
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Your privacy rights will die with you, but that does not mean that just anyone will be permitted access to your medical records after you are gone. The extent to...
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