Parents have a right to name their children and, in modern Britain, the options open to them are almost limitless. However, as a High Court ruling showed, there are rare...
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For every headline-grabbing ‘big money’ divorce case there are hundreds of others where a former couple’s assets are simply insufficient to meet their reasonable needs. As a High Court ruling...
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Fathers who are denied access to their children are frequently heard to complain that judges do not do enough to support them. In coming down hard on a defiant mother...
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Most divorcees would, wherever possible, prefer to achieve a clean financial break so that they can regain their independence and move on with their lives. A High Court ruling provided...
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Parents may be worthy of praise and deeply love their children, but it sadly does not always follow that they are able to provide them with a stable home. The...
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Those who attempt to lie their way to a favourable result in divorce proceedings are more than likely to be found out and hit hard in the pocket. That was...
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