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  • Who is Under the Influence?

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    The law recognises that some people (such as solicitors or accountants) have a high degree of influence over other people (their clients), since clients hire their professional advisers for the...

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  • The Child Trust Fund

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    In the April 2003 Budget, the Chancellor of the Exchequer announced  the introduction of the Child Trust Fund (CTF). The CTF is a savings and investment account for children. Children...

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  • One common area of dispute between companies and the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is that of deductibility of expenses. One of the hottest areas of dispute is often whether...

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  • Cases involving personal injury when both parties are ‘in the wrong’ present a particular problem when it comes to determining the apportionment of responsibility for (and therefore the amount of...

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  • Dealing With an Insolvent Estate

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    One of the rules that applies to the administration of estates is that whilst a person appointed as executor under a will can refuse to accept the appointment, once an...

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  • The courts have again shown that they will crack down on directors who put their own interests before their fiduciary duties as directors of the company, to the extent of...

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