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  • In the UK, there are quite generous exemptions from Inheritance Tax (IHT) which apply to business assets. One problem with making use of such exemptions is the effect this may...

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  • Owners and managers of commercial premises, employers whose workers use, install, remove, maintain or demolish premises that may contain asbestos and businesses providing construction or building services are all affected...

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  • On 10 July, an employee workign on a fixed-term contract might have become (by operation of the Fixed-term Employees (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 20020 a permanent employee . ...

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  • In October 2007 there was a fundamental change on the way in the way powers of attorney are created and the powers that they can give attorneys, when the Enduring...

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  • VAT Recovered on Motor Car

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    The recent case in which the court ruled that a small company should be allowed to claim a deduction for the VAT on the purchase price of a car has...

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  • Changing Wills For Benefit

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    A will expresses the final wishes of the deceased person and it is commonly thought that a will is irrevocable after death. However, provided everyone agrees, it is normally possible...

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