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  • quote to modify

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    Says <>, “Whatever action you do take, make sure you take good professional advice. In particular, it is essential to have a proper will drafted. We can do this and...

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  • Mental Capacity Code of Practice

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    In April 2007 the Department of Health introduced a new Mental Capacity Advocate service. At the same time, a new code of practice was introduced which makes it clear...

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  • Employees, or their dependants, are entitled to claim damages for injury caused by a workplace accident if: • there was a duty of care owed...

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  • A recent case illustrates the point that where a personal injury claim is anticipated, it is important to commence the claim promptly and not to adopt a ‘wait and see’...

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  • Mental Capacity – The Law

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    Mental capacity has always been something of a problem area of the law. The aim of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, which became fully operational in October 2007, is...

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  • An interesting attempt at a defence came to nothing in a recent traffic accident case.   It involved a driver who, having missed his turning, decided to do...

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