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  • Budget Summary 2012 – Business

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    The Chancellor’s Budget this year was set in the context of mixed economic data and business confidence reports. The economy continues its sluggish course, aided by a softening of the...

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  • Divorce and Family Location

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    When a marriage breaks up, it is usual for the couple to separate physically as well as legally and in some cases the physical separation can be considerable. With the...

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  • There is a general rule that an action to claim damages for personal injury must be brought within three years of the claimant becoming aware of his or her injury. ...

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  • Who Gives You Advice is Important

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    When a financial services company went into administration and came under investigation by the Financial Services Authority (FSA), the emails of one of its directors were copied by the FSA,...

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  • The Government is carrying out a review of the current dismissal process and is seeking the views of employers, employees and all other interested parties on whether the procedures, including...

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  • Facts Critical in Residence Claim

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    HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) are quick to recognise easy pickings when transactions occur and the conditions for relief against the relevant taxes are not met. One of HMRC’s...

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