Electrical equipment is the fastest-growing category of rubbish across the European Union (EU). It is estimated that by 2020, 12 million tonnes will be produced. In February 2003, the...
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A London couple who ran a guest house together have had the ownership of their assets decided after an acrimonious court case. They had been together since the early...
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Some people may think that once you have obtained patent protection for your product, you need do nothing further to protect your rights against infringement or to claim damages from...
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When a council proposes to revoke or modify a planning permission already given, it faces a difficult situation. The developer that has been granted the permission may well have committed...
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Investment advice that turns out to be bad has always been a fruitful area for argument in the courts and numerous cases have arisen over the years. In a...
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The Supreme Court has ruled, by a majority of five to two, that advice provided by members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) is not...
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