Everyone knows that the corporate veil has the advantage of shielding directors from personal liability. However, far fewer people are aware of its downsides. In one case which illustrates this...
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It is generally considered that if HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) raise no enquiries in relation to a tax return in the year following its submission, that is the end...
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There is a common but incorrect belief that where a taxpayer incurs a trading loss, that can always be set against their other income to reduce the Income Tax they...
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Off-the-cuff and ill-considered remarks about work colleagues can have serious consequences for their careers. In one case which strikingly made the point that you should be careful what you say,...
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Just because you haven’t paid for professional advice doesn’t mean that the person who gave it to you is relieved from liability if it was negligently given. A recent...
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Intellectual property (IP) rights are fiercely protected by the courts, and the consequences of breaching them can be severe indeed. In one case, a company which profited from infringing a...
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