In the realm of social housing, there are few more controversial issues than a child’s entitlement to succeed to the secure tenancy of a parent on the latter’s death. As...
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Employment bonuses are commonly awarded on the basis that they must be repaid if recipients leave their jobs within a given period of time. In an important ruling, the High...
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The end of a relationship will often have important tax implications which might only be apparent to a trained professional. That was certainly so in the case of a woman...
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Commercial property owners are often concerned that residential developments may prejudice their longstanding use of their premises. In a High Court case on point, a football club argued that planning...
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For every headline-grabbing ‘big money’ divorce case there are hundreds of others where a former couple’s assets are simply insufficient to meet their reasonable needs. As a High Court ruling...
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When marketing a company, it may be perfectly legitimate to paint its business and prospects in the best possible light. However, as a High Court ruling showed, the thick application...
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