Businesses that store their clients’ personal data are under a strict legal duty to keep it secure and any failure to do so is likely to have serious financial and...
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Millions of people who invest their pension pots in annuities can ultimately rely on the law to guarantee their financial security. In a case on point, the High Court overruled...
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The introduction of the new VAT domestic reverse charge for construction services, originally due this October, has been postponed until October 2020. The extended timeframe comes after businesses in...
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In a case illustrating the importance of candour regarding financial circumstances in divorce proceedings, a husband who failed to disclose the true extent of his wealth to family judges was...
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Investors using the popular online financial investment platform Hargreaves Lansdown (HL) may not have heard that the ‘loyalty bonuses’ they receive from HL have been deemed by the Upper Tribunal...
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In a recent property case that will have a bearing on all contractual matters, the High Court ruled that a footer automatically appended to an email amounted to a legal...
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