When selling your business, the structure of the transaction matters enormously and should always be the subject of professional advice. In a case on point, two women who sold their...
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If you are facing a tax inquiry, a lawyer will advise you that there are a wide variety of sensible steps you can take. However, as was underlined by an...
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HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) investigations can be a daunting and potentially very costly experience for any business. However, as a tax tribunal ruling showed, clear and comprehensive record-keeping is...
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Only expenses that are incurred wholly and exclusively for the purposes of trade can be deducted from a business’s tax liabilities. That threshold is, to say the least, a demanding...
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Keeping proper tax records may be time consuming and laborious, but a failure to do so can have disastrous consequences in the event of a visit by an officer of...
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Tax evaders rarely understand the potential consequences of their wrongdoing. That was certainly so in the case of two cab drivers who underdeclared their earnings to the tax authorities and,...
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