To what extent are the costs of professional advice given to a director tax deductible by the company that he or she serves? A tribunal tackled that thorny issue in...
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The increasing aggressiveness of HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in dealing with taxpayers was recently given short shrift by the First-tier Tribunal (FTT), which criticised HMRC’s high-handedness and ordered them...
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Virtually all leases have clauses which stipulate that when the lease comes to an end, the tenant must leave the premises in the same condition as they were in when...
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The United Kingdom has very favourable Inheritance Tax (IHT) treatment for the owners of business assets used in a trade and, in general, the value of these will be outside...
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Tax law allows trading losses to be relieved against other income in a variety of ways, and although there is complexity in that law, the principle that ‘losses can be...
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HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) are not known for being lenient when it comes to taxpayers who fail to pay taxes, and mere inability to pay tax when due is...
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