Commercial Client
The legal right that many commercial tenants enjoy to have their leases renewed can be overcome if their landlords ‘intend’ to occupy the premises for their own business or residential...
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If goods you have received do not come up to specification, are you within your rights to refuse to pay for them? The High Court addressed that critically important question...
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Tax evaders rarely understand the potential consequences of their wrongdoing. That was certainly so in the case of two cab drivers who underdeclared their earnings to the tax authorities and,...
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It may sound surprising, but you need not necessarily be disabled in order to suffer disability discrimination. As one case showed, it is legally possible for a non-disabled employee to...
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If you run a business and feel that you were wrongly denied government financial support during the COVID-19 pandemic, you should contact a solicitor straight away. A small fashion retailer...
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In order to be subject to non-domestic rates, a commercial space must be capable of beneficial occupation for the purpose for which it is intended. In a guideline case, a...
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