Commercial Client

Home Library Commercial Client (Page 256)

Commercial Client

  • Reforms to the Employment Law System

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    The Government has announced its proposals for reform of the employment law system following its consultation, ‘Resolving Workplace Disputes’, and the Red Tape Challenge review of employment law. The...

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  • Design rights are not the same as copyright, but are valuable intellectual property assets nonetheless. Consider the traditional Coca-Cola bottle, which instantly conveys the brand image to the consumer. ...

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  • When a dispute arises concerning the meaning of a contract term that is capable of being interpreted in more than one way, the resolution is normally to be found in...

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  • Latest Fuel Rates

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    HMRC have announced that the rates payable for car fuel (where a mileage rate is paid to company car users for business travel) are as follows from 1 December 2009....

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  • Recovering Foreign VAT

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    It is commonly thought that within the EU, recovering VAT on expenditure made whilst abroad is merely a matter of calculating the VAT at the applicable rate and claiming it...

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  • Employees, or their dependants, are entitled to claim damages for injury caused by a workplace accident if: • there was a duty of care owed...

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