Commercial Client

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Commercial Client

  • A French firm that manufactures cosmetics and requires them to be sold only in a physical space and when a qualified pharmacist is present has found that its de facto...

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  • The wisdom of making sure that agreements are finalised in good time and not left hanging in abeyance is illustrated by a recent case. It involved a local authority...

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  • OFT Rejects Predatory Pricing Claim

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    When a company engages in below-cost pricing or other ‘predatory’ practices, the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) is often called upon to investigate. Where anti-competitive practice is confirmed, the fines...

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  • Government Review of Sickness Absence

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    Each year, around 11 million employees take sickness leave. Of these, 300,000 go on to claim health-related state benefits. In all, this costs the taxpayer £13 billion, and £15 billion...

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  • Restaurants Now in HMRC’s Sights

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    HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) have recently set up a taskforce to investigate under-declarations of tax in the restaurant trade. The taskforce is one of a number of specialist teams...

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  • When an adjudicator in a construction dispute gives a ruling, the decision can only be appealed on a limited number of grounds. One of these is ‘breach of natural justice’,...

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