Commercial Client

Home Library Commercial Client (Page 211)

Commercial Client

  • Alterations Invalidate Surety

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    When a landlord gave a tenant a licence to make substantial alterations, little did it think that it was undermining its future financial position. The reason was that another...

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  • LinkedIn Tug of War Resolved

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    When key staff left a publisher and set up in competition, the High Court was called upon to consider the question of who should have control over the LinkedIn groups...

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  • In a stern warning to employers that disciplinary inquiries must be performed with the utmost care, an NHS employee has been awarded more than £30,000 in compensation for unfair dismissal...

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  • Guidance for NEDs

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    Many non-executive directors (NEDs) do not appreciate that in law their responsibilities as directors – as well as their rights – are exactly the same as ‘full-time’ directors. When...

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  • Short Clause Leads to Long Trial

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    When a Spanish company entered into a lending agreement with another company, the ultimate purpose of which was to facilitate a property development in the Strand in London, the downturn...

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  • Place Names Must Be Available to All

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    The UK Intellectual Property Office has refused an application by Chanel to register the word ‘Jersey’ as a trade mark on the ground that, as a geographical term, it would...

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