Commercial Client

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Commercial Client

  • Changes to the TUPE Regulations

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    The Collective Redundancies and Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 came into force on 31 January 2014. They amend the provisions relating to collective redundancies in the...

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  • Cases arising from the damage done by rioters during the 2011 riots are now beginning to come to court. Recently, one such case was decided concerning the extent of...

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  • The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has recently launched a series of prosecutions against employers for failing to ensure that adequate measures were taken to minimise workers’ exposure to vibration...

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  • SDLT Avoidance Scheme Fails

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    Although some law is ‘common law’ and some effectively the result of decisions of the courts, when law is in written form, the exact meaning of the words used is...

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  • When a family partnership broke up, the lack of precision in clauses of the partnership agreement led to an appearance in the Court of Appeal. Two farmers took their...

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  • Rent Refund Case to Go to Appeal

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    A recent decision in which the court ruled that a landlord was obliged to repay to its tenant rent paid in advance for a period after the break date on...

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