Commercial Client

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Commercial Client

  • Following the introduction of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations 2013, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills has now published updated statutory guidance intended primarily for use...

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  • Under proposals outlined in the recent Budget, from 2015 HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) are to be given new powers to access the bank accounts of ‘tax debtors’ in order...

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  • One of the less well reported changes contained in the Intellectual Property Act 2014 is that the commercial exploitation of a registered design without the design owner’s permission will become...

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  • Businesses that suffered consequential losses in the London riots in 2011 (and their insurers) will welcome the Court of Appeal’s decision that where loss is due to riot, the amount...

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  • The Government’s decision to abolish, with effect from 6 April 2014, the statutory sick pay (SSP) percentage threshold scheme, whereby employers could, in certain circumstances, reclaim SSP paid to employees...

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  • Under the old law relating to cartels, it was necessary to prove dishonest intent in order to obtain a criminal conviction when companies engaged in price fixing, market manipulation, bid...

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