Commercial Client

Home Library Commercial Client (Page 190)

Commercial Client

  • Rugby Sponsorship Claim Fails

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    In an important decision for corporate sponsors and those who benefit from their financial help, a fishing company which stumped up £1.2 million in support of its cash-strapped local rugby...

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  • At this time of year, many people will be looking forward to attending firework displays to celebrate Guy Fawkes Night. For those organising such events, it is important to ensure...

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  • In the long-running case of Seldon v Clarkson, Wright and Jakes, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has upheld the decision of the Employment Tribunal (ET) that the inclusion in a...

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  • When work done by a contractor is deficient, the standard JCT form of contract allows an ‘appropriate deduction’ to be made from payment where the work is not to be...

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  • .uk Domain Names Launched

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    In June, the ‘.uk’ top-level domain was launched. The .uk extension indicates an organisation in the UK, as opposed to the ‘’ one, which has been used for many years...

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  • The Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Bill 2014/2015 has now been published. It will introduce a wide variety of measures aimed at reducing barriers to business innovation and growth. ...

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