Commercial Client
When a company ceases to exist and is struck off the register of companies at Companies House, any assets it owns become the property of the Crown. The Crown...
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In a bid to preserve the attractiveness of arbitration in the wake of the faster and less expensive procedures for dealing with disputes by litigation announced recently, the Royal Institution...
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In an unfair dismissal claim, the task of the Employment Tribunal (ET) is to find why and how the employer took the decision to dismiss and to review whether or...
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It is well known that when a business passes from one VAT-registered trader to another who continues it, the transfer will normally be a ‘transfer of a going concern’ (TOGC)...
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The Internet is a not a free source of material, as a home improvements company found recently to its cost. When the company used photographs which belonged to another...
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It is now quite well known that the public broadcast of music which is still under copyright requires a licence, but not many people appreciate that ignoring that requirement can...
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