Home Library Commercial Client Employment and HR EHRC Launches Guidance on Preventing Discrimination

EHRC Launches Guidance on Preventing Discrimination

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The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has published two sets of guidance for businesses on how to prevent discrimination and avoid costly legal challenges.

‘The Equality Act: Guidance for Small Business’ explains how the Equality Act 2010 relates to small businesses and outlines steps they must take to ensure they stay within the law. It features:

  • an explanation of legal definitions;
  • an outline of businesses’ responsibilities as an employer and service provider; and
  • case studies with examples.

‘A guide to business and human rights’ is intended to help businesses identify and manage human rights issues that may arise in the course of their business operations. It features:

  • an explanation of what human rights are and why they are important for business;
  • a six-step approach to identifying, monitoring and remedying human rights risks; and
  • an outline of businesses’ responsibility to protect the human rights of staff, customers and people affected by their operations.

It also explains an employer’s duty to uphold the right to a safe working environment, balanced work and rest hours, fair remuneration and the role of business in preventing forced labour and trafficking.